Saturday, July 28, 2007

Now for Something Completely Different...

It took almost a decade for a practical joke to pay off for Dr. Robert Woo, an oral surgeon in Auburn, Wash.

After preparing dental implants for his assistant, an ardent advocate of caring for abandoned pot-bellied pigs, Dr. Woo temporarily inserted two boar tusks in her mouth while she was under sedation and took pictures that everyone in the office found hilarious--except the implantee.

She sued and was awarded $250,000, which his insurance company refused to pay. Now the State Supreme Court has ruled for Dr. Woo in his suit against the company. He will get $750,000 in damages and attorney fees as well as reimbursement for the $250,000 he paid the employee, thus rewarding the good doctor with half a million yuks for his sense of fun.

No word of who got custody of the boar-tusk pictures, but it's good to know there is indemnity for being a jerk.

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